Did you know that 1 in 3 families struggle to buy diapers?
I am a mom of two children, 18 months apart. They are young adults now but I remember the days when they were both in diapers. In those days we were always penny pinching and the cost of diapers and wipes took a big chunk out of our monthly budget. The cost of diapers today for two children is close to $2,000 a year. For some families that expense can limit how much they can spend on food each month.
Government programs, including food stamps and WIC, do not provide funding for diapers. Diaper need can impact the physical, mental and economic well-being of children and families. Diaper banks and diaper pantries are non-profit organizations that focus on addressing diaper need by collecting, storing, and distributing free diapers to struggling families. Diaper banks and diaper pantries obtain diapers through local diaper drives, in-kind donations, and by purchasing diapers directly with donated funds.
A Minnesota mom of two, Kristen Grode, started the MN Diaper Bank in 2010. When her two children had outgrown their diapers, she wondered where she could donate unused diapers. At that time MN did not have a diaper bank, so she started Minnesota’s chapter in 2010. This past year, Helping Us Grow (HUG), a MN diaper bank partner, distributed 101,610 diapers and pull-ups to families in need.
I am excited to share with you that the entire month of August, South Lake Pediatrics will be partnering with the Diaper Bank of MN and HUG to collect diapers, pull-ups and wipes to distribute to families in need. Donations can be dropped off at any one of our six clinics. All sizes are needed. Donations are tax deductible. So, clean out your supply of unused diapers and drop them off at your next clinic visit. Your donation will be greatly appreciated!
Tara Mahin
Care Coordinator
1 in 3 Families Struggle to Buy Diapers

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